当地小镇 Our Towns

有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎! 欢迎您来到十二门徒地区旅游。这里风景秀丽且丰富多彩,是欣赏自然风光和人文景观的绝佳去处。
十二门徒地区小镇遍布,有的以现代化农业为主,有的则发展农产品加工业或旅游业。我们的海滨小镇为游客提供了良好的住宿条件。”面朝大海,春暖花开” 是这里日常生活里最普通的一部分。这一地区也是早期欧洲移民在澳大利亚立足的地方。内陆的城镇保留了许多欧洲风格的古典建筑,每一个角度都能拍摄出一张颇具时代感的代表作。

Explore All 当地小镇 Our Towns

View of Simpson Lake with a bench in the foreground

辛普森 小镇 Simpson

辛普森 (Simpson) 是典型的农业集镇,距离十二门徒仅25公里。这里靠近“十二门徒美食之路的东面“,与蜗牛农场、巧克力工坊、奶酪工场和葡萄酒庄近在咫尺。 ...

Female on a bicycle at the beginnin of the Timboon to Camperdown Rail Trail

提布 小镇 Timboon

适宜活动:品尝本地特色美食、旧铁路步行道、森林公园和儿童游乐设施 ...

Couple jumping in front of the Cobden sign

科布登 小镇 Cobden

科布登 (Cobden)...

View of the Princetown boardwalk footbridge over the Gellibrand River

王子镇 小镇 Princetown

适宜活动:游览湿地栈道、远观野生动物和房车野营 ...

Female walking up the steps from the beach at the Bay of Martyrs looking back towards the ocean

彼得伯勒 小镇 Peterborough

适宜活动:垂钓、海滨高尔夫、沙滩漫步、滨海步行道散步或者遛狗 ...

Port Campbell Bay from the Discovery Walk

坎贝尔港 小镇 Port Campbell



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Great Ocean Road Regional Tourism acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the Great Ocean Road region the Wadawurrung, Eastern Maar & Gunditjmara. We pay our respects to their Elders, past, present and emerging. We recognise and respect their unique cultural heritage and the connection to their traditional lands. We commit to building genuine and lasting partnerships that recognise, embrace and support the spirit of reconciliation, working towards self-determination, equity of outcomes and an equal voice for Australia’s first people.