坎贝尔港出城向西的第一个停车场有观景平台可以欣赏和拍摄坎贝尔港海湾 (Port Campbell Bay) 全景。这是一条位于悬崖顶的步道,景色极为壮观。您可小行片刻,亦可走完全程以欣赏本地的植被和动物。
坎贝尔港观景台 (Port Campbell Lookout) 是出坎贝尔港镇西行中遇到的第一个景点。这个观景台位于悬崖顶端的制高点,由此可以俯瞰整个坎贝尔港镇、海滩以及码头,是全景拍摄的绝佳位置。
右手边的通道是探索步道的入口。2 公里长的徒步登山路线可以直达坎贝尔港海滩,沿途饱览本地的植被和动物。
位置:坎贝尔港向西 2.5 公里
长度:50米往返停车场和观景台 (4 公里往返探索步道)
时间:10 分钟观景,1 小时徒步
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Great Ocean Road Regional Tourism acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the Great Ocean Road region the Wadawurrung, Eastern Maar & Gunditjmara. We pay our respects to their Elders, past, present and emerging. We recognise and respect their unique cultural heritage and the connection to their traditional lands. We commit to building genuine and lasting partnerships that recognise, embrace and support the spirit of reconciliation, working towards self-determination, equity of outcomes and an equal voice for Australia’s first people.